0,00 €

Ihr Warenkorb ist noch leer.
Seagate ST3500418AS - 9SL142-042 - SATA - 500 GB - PCB 100535704 Rev.B*
Seagate ST3400620AS - 9BJ144-305 - SATA - 400 GB - PCB 100406533 Rev.A*
Seagate ST3400620AS - 9BJ144-305 - SATA - 400 GB - PCB 100406533 Rev.A*
Seagate ST3400620AS - 9BJ144-305 - SATA - 400 GB - PCB 100406533 Rev.A*

Seagate ST3400620AS - 9BJ144-305 - SATA - 400 GB - PCB 100406533 Rev.A*

Produkt Verfügbarkeit: In stock

Seagate ST3400620AS

Date Code : 07255

Firmware 3.AAE

Pcb. 100406533 Rev.A
35,00 €


Model: Seagate ST3400620AS
Product Number: 9BJ144-305
Date Code: 07255
Firmware: 3.AAE
PCB: 100406533 Rev.A


If you have any other question about this donor drive, just give us a short Mail to or user contact form to get in touch with us.

The same for Service Area Files (SA) or ROM.

The hard drive you can see in this picture, also the S.M.A.R.T. values and the media scan are from exactly this donor drive.

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